Book Recommendations for Leadership Development - A Future Agency Leader Reading List

Wondering how to impart your business acumen and leadership knowledge to your agency managers? For a start, here is the list of books we recommend all mid-level managers read... we actually buy the ones with three asterisks for our consulting clients!



***Grow Your Digital Agency – Robert Craven

Does what it says on the tin


***Built to Sell – John Warrillow

A game changer for anyone trying to grow an agency

**Small Giants – Bo Burlingham

Why entrepreneurs turn their back on the big exit cheque


***The One Thing – Gary Keller & J Papasan

A simple, powerful process for focus and clarity

***Digital Agency Strategy Workbook - Robert Craven

A full toolbox for strategy design, implementation, and monitoring

**Measure What Matters - John Doerr

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy – Richard Rumelt

The difference and why it matters

Scaling Up – Verne Harnesh

How a few companies make it and the rest don’t

Traction – Gino Wickman

Get a grip on your business


**Profit First – Mike Michalowicz

Re-organise your finances so you get paid properly

Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits - Graham Crabtree

There’s gold in your simple numbers, if you use them to make day-to-day decisions



Persuasion -  Robert Cialdini

The psychology of persuasion

***Getting Naked - Patrick Lencioni

Shedding the three fears that sabotage client loyalty

This is Marketing - Seth Godin

You can’t be seen till you learn to see

*Purple Cow – Seth Godin

Why should people buy from you if you are the same as the competition?

**Pitch Anything - Oren Klaff

An innovative method for presenting, persuading and winning the deal

***They Ask, You Answer - Marcus Sheridan

A compelling manifesto to answer all your customers’ questions


**The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni

the many pitfalls that teams face as they seek to "grow together".

Who - Geoff Smart & Randy Street

Solve your number one problem

**The Advantage - Patrick Lencioni

Why organisational health trumps everything else in business

***Radical Candor – Kim Scott

How to be honest with your reports



Holacracy - Brian J Robertson

The revolutionary management system that abolishes hierarchy

Reinventing Organisations - Frederic Laloux

A guide to creating organisations inspired by the next stage of human consciousness

Joy Inc - Richard Sheridan

How we built a workplace people love



Lost and Founder - Rand Fishkin

A painfully honest field guide to the start-up world

*The Hard Thing About Hard Things – Ben Horowitz

There are no rules and there are no easy answers

*Deep Work – Cal Newport

Rules for focussed success in a distracted world

Four-Hour Workweek – Tim Ferriss

If you could 10x your output how would your business and private life change?

*Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

The original Bible of the modern Personal Effectiveness World

*The E-Myth – Michael Gerber

Why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it. Old small business classic.

**The Checklist Manifesto – Atul Gawande

How to get things right

Madison Avenue Manslaughter – Michael Farmer

An inside view of fee-cutting clients, profit-hungry owners, and declining ad agencies

**15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management – Kevin Kruse

Productivity secrets

The Thought Leaders Practice - Matt Church

Leverage your personal brand as an expert

Atomic Habits - James Clear

Transform your life with tiny changes in behaviour


Next steps? Read about ADVANCE - LEADERSHIP. Applications are currently open for mid-level agency managers, on our peer-learning mastermind that develops the next wave of agency leaders.


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