Take a look at the most frequently asked questions below, or if you're not sure if GYDA Masterminds are right for you, get in touch and one of our Managing Partners will be in touch. We'd like to hear about you and your agency. Then, we can discuss how becoming a member can help you to run a better agency.


These FAQs provide the simple answers that you need to know for our Mastermind groups. For a more detailed explanation, download our Mastermind Agreement.

  • The GYDA Mastermind is unique. It is the product of working on many different formats* to create a proven set of methodologies that enable members to achieve their goals: both for their business and in the life they lead.

    GYDA Masterminds will include a number of bespoke sessions, utilising one of the following formats:

    Hive Mind - discussions sharing insights on specific topics

    Gold seats - where delegates share specific tools or techniques their agency uses

    Cool Stuff - sharing books, conferences, apps, models

    Hotseats - delegates bring a specific problem they are facing to the group, for example:

    profitability, strategy, exit

    sales, business development, lead generation & marketing

    mindset, attitude, motivation, reward, culture

    people, recruitment, training

    systems, processes, business models

    emergency issues & fire fighting

    Traction update sessions - update and review sessions, online

    Coaching sessions - one-to-one coaching with the GYDA leader

    *our team have run programs with Google, Toulouse, Warwick and Cranfield Business Schools, Vistage and ACE (the Academy of Chief Executives), Ungagged, InOrbit, BrightonSEO, UK DIT (Department of International Trade) and UKTI.

  • Yes! Drop us a line via the 'get in touch' page and we'll arrange a time for one of our Mastermind Leaders to talk you through the program, and more importantly, your needs.

    You can also book in a time to talk to Robert by emailing him directly on rob@GYDA.co

  • Masterminds are an open, collaborative and private environment in which to grow your agency alongside other like-minded people. Over the course of the year, you will achieve your growth plans, being held accountable for the goals you have set. Mastermind meetings are an opportunity to work on your business and not in it.

    Our Mastermind Members typically see the following results:

    • Revenue Up 57%

    • Revenue/Fee-earner Up 25%

    • % Utilisation Up 16%

    • Rate per hour Up 27%

    • EBITDA Up 137%

  • GYDA Masterminds are for agencies of all sizes* (we have current members with agencies ranging from 2-100 staff). If the following describes you, then Masterminds may be a great fit:

    • You're an agency leader (owner/founder/C-Suite)

    • You’re ready to grow your agency, but you're unsure of the best next step

    • You have a growth mindset and are comfortable being challenged by others

    • You are ready to participate, turn up, and contribute

    * Mastermind ELITE is via invite only, and open only to agencies with more than 40 employees.

  • There are two formats of GYDA Mastermind:

    1) Live (in other words, in-person, face-to-face)

    2) Online via Google Meet

    The venues for the Live events depends on the program. See program pages for more info.

  • The dates for each mastermind group are available by emailing operations@gyda.co, and our dedicated members’ portal holds all the information you will need in one place!

  • The dates for the coming 12-months are booked at the beginning of each year to ensure diaries are blocked out. However these dates are provisional and may change if we discover a big clash eg with local bank holidays or if travel disruptions occur.

  • We only allow one person from each agency to join as a Mastermind member. Having two people from one agency skews the dynamics of a program; however, your Number Two can attend the online 1-2-1s, as well as the Masterclass, Q&A and Round Table events.

  • During your onboarding, we will share the LinkedIn profiles and agency URLs of the other attendees. Confidentiality is imperative to build trust in the group.

  • Each Group has its own Mastermind Leader who will run the Mastermind and Traction sessions, plus your 1-2-1 coaching. Our other Mastermind Leaders are often present at the online Roundtable and Masterclass sessions.

  • You get access to the full suite of services in GYDA Lite which includes the Masterclasses, Q&As, Round Tables and access to the GYDA Hub.

  • Travel and overnight accommodation are not included. The welcome meal the night before the Live Mastermind events is split between the attendees. We provide coffee/tea throughout the live Mastermind Sessions and lunch is also included.

  • The GYDA Hub is a member-exclusive online resource centre which contains recordings of the Masterclasses and Q&As, plus GYDA IP videos and supporting materials for download.

  • Members are required to attend 95% of Mastermind, Traction and 1-2-1 coaching sessions. We understand that occasionally people may have unavoidable or urgent commitments. The Masterclass, Q&A and Round Table sessions are optional.

  • We will invite you for a 1-2-1 call with your Mastermind Leader to discuss the best way forward. If it is decided that it isn't working for you, then we will release you from the contract.

  • We ask that all members are committed to the group and attending sessions. If unavoidable circumstances arise and you cannot attend, your Mastermind leader may arrange a catch-up with you. They will also share any slides or action lists created during the day for you to work on before the next session.

  • We rarely have a case of this happening. Your Mastermind Leader will discuss the issue with you personally to reach a resolution. New delegates to an existing group have to be approved by all existing members during the onboarding process.

  • You have access to the Mastermind Leader, the delegates in your group and delegates from other groups in the Slack Community as well as your 1-2-1 coaching sessions... we also offer coaching and consulting for those who need more bespoke and individual attention.

  • Our initial contract is for 12 months. Once your subscription is set up, payments are taken monthly. You should be expecting to work with us for a minimum of 12 months. We renew contracts annually.

  • During our onboarding process, you'll be provided with a payment link to set up your monthly subscription. This is facilitated through Stripe.

  • When your GYDA membership is approved, you will be required to make your first of 12 monthly instalments of the membership fee plus the relevant amount of VAT if applicable. Membership is on an annual basis, in 12 monthly installments by subscription.

  • Get in touch using the form below and we’ll arrange a short call to answer any questions you might have.


If you’re a digital agency leader with ambitions to grow and challenges to overcome, we can help.

Get in touch for an initial chat about how GYDA can help you get where you want to go.