Thought Bubble - What is the one thing?

VIDEO: 1:49 mins

AUTHOR: Robert Craven

What is the one thing that you HAVE to do before the end of 2020? Listen to this video short from Robert of course!




Robert Craven  00:06

So here's my question for you: What's the one thing the one thing that you need to do before the 31st of December? What's the one thing that you need to do that will make everything less than necessary or unnecessary? In 2021 2021 is literally around the corner. So what's the one thing that you need to do that will make everything else less necessary or unnecessary? Is it sought out your value proposition? Is it sort out Friday or flossing? Is it sort out the marketing campaign? Is it agree which products and services you're going to sell and which ones you're going to drop? Is it close that deal with the big client? I don't know what the one big thing you need to sort out if but I suspect is the thing that's keeping you awake at night and I suspect it's a thing that you're not actually doing to carve out 45 minutes or an hour and a half, tomorrow morning, get up early to do it. And just sit down and figure out how the heck you're gonna make it how the heck you're gonna do it, how you're gonna sort it out, if you need to bring in other people to help you with the conversation. But in the first instance, you need to get some quality thinking time in whether that's walking the dog playing the guitar, and then you need to sit down and you need to attack the one thing that you need to do you know what it is? That one thing if you do it by the 31st of December, we'll make everything else less necessary or unnecessary. For 2021. Good luck.


Thought Bubble - Business Friends


Thought Bubble - Lead by Example