Thought Bubble - CEO Mindset

VIDEO: 3:35 mins

AUTHOR: Robert Craven

Right now, mindset is more important than ever. But why right now? We're living in incredibly challenging times; here's how to get your mojo back.




Robert Craven  00:08 

Mindset. Co, managing director, founder, director, whatever you want to call yourself, but your mindset is what I want to talk about. More and more over the last few months I've heard people complaining, losing my mojo losing my drive, losing my purpose, being nakid not being great with the family. And obviously there's there's clear, simple reasons for that. COVID has made us very isolated code have made us drive our businesses using zoom, that's meant we have these agenda driven meetings where we go narrow, narrower or narrower, we become less creative, we become less innovative, and we become over focused on on solutions, black and white. Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no. And we're missing clever, acuter smarter ways of actually finding solutions to what's going on. On top of that we're missing social contact, I don't think we realised how much we missed social contact, putting an arm around someone having a chat, the water cooler moments, the synchronous moments where different ideas come together, we've we've lost all of that.  


Robert Craven  01:17 

But my real concern is that agency owner, founder directors are complaining of losing their passion, their drive their mojo. Now the the business side of it relatively straightforward. You've got to where you've got by doing stuff. So put a plan in place deliver on the plan. And that's pretty much how you can you can get through the days. But we're back to this kind of purposely why we're doing it type pizza, lots of people are complaining that they're just wondering why the heck they're doing it, it's Groundhog Day, they're not getting any value. So I think one of the things to do is to is to actually to under shedule, not over schedule, under schedule, because when you're under schedule, you have more time more space to think to be creative. You will get your innovation, when you're walking, you're not gonna get your innovation in front of your computer screen. So the watchwords for me are about focus be really focused in on what we're doing under shedule. In other words, we actually have space to actually create to xd to actually think about what we're actually doing. And I think that actually starts that release, but recognising this problem, recognising that why are we doing it? We're doing it because we are so that we're on good form with our family, why we're doing it. So we're on good form with our friends, why are we doing it? So we've got energy to do the things we want to do. Work is not everything. So you got yourself, think carefully about how you can manage yourself because it's one thing being this public upfront leader, doing these great things, saying all these great things and helping other people. But if you fall over the whole thing falls apart. And don't forget that you're not the only one who's got these kind of mindset issues all your people who've got these mindset hitting, they're doing the same thing that keeping their act together. We've got this far be really really careful. Look after yourself. And don't think that working harder gets you further because what gets you further is really great thinking really great quality thinking and what are you paid for? You're not paid by the hour. You're paid for? Quality thinking quality decision making. Right now it's more important than ever. 


Thought Bubble - Robert Craven on Getting on Stage Again


Thought Bubble - How to Dig Deeper With Your Clients