Article - How to Use Video to Answer Fundamental Customer Questions

READ: 2 mins

AUTHOR: Robert Craven

I am a great fan of the book, They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan.

Marcus emphasises that there are what he calls ‘The Big Five Questions all clients ask’.

He goes on to argue that you should answer every customer question with content online. Ideally video content.

Most of your competition will try to avoid answering the Big Five Questions.

And that is why you should answer them. You will stand out.

Potential customers will stay longer on your site and feel that they have more confidence in you. Who wouldn’t want some of that?


The Big Five Questions are:

  1. What’s the price and cost?

  2. What are the problems and what could go wrong?

  3. How does your product compare with competitors?

  4. What do customers think about your work?

  5. Who are your best competitors?


However, you can adjust the videos or content you use to fit your specific environment. 

As an example, here is a screenshot of a set of videos. You can see how they address customer questions head on. The actual links come afterwards.





As a bit of background, the key messages I got from the book were:

1             Become the most trusted voice in your industry

2             Listen, teach and problem-solve to earn buyers’ trust

3             Job #1 for marketers is not to build the brand, but to educate customers. 

Marketers need to become world-class listeners and teachers, so they need to:

  • Earn trust through teaching

  • Use great information to help others solve their problems

  • Listen to customers’ questions and provide honest answers.


And finally, click the image to link to the videos mentioned above.

Plus a customer testimonial.


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